eRPGTools is a tool for Dungeon Masters and Players based on 5th ed. of Dungeons And Dragons (D&D).Main features:- Encounter management: - Combat management (monsters/players), with initiative tracker - Calculate encounter level - Calculate experience points earned at the end of the encounter.- Import/export encounters, monsters, spells, magic items. You can export all data into dropbox, modify and then import into app.- Over 300 monsters. You can search for name, challenge rate (CR) or by manual (Visit my site for more informations).- Spells list with search for name, class, and level.- Magic items with search for name, type and rarity.- Treasure generator, individual or hoard.- Dice roller- NPC name generator- Combat tracker for player, with round counter, effects and conditions.Disclaimer:All the information provided by the application are bound by the terms of the Open game License v1.1 of Wizards of the Coast. A copy of this license can be downloaded here: are not affiliated by any way to Wizards of the Coast.